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What we do

We tailor our process to suit our clients’ needs. Our input can cover everything from the invention of new technology to the development of the CMF strategy. Whatever the scope of work, our process typically breaks down into four key phases: 


This is the first phase of a project where we open up the brief and generate concepts. This phase typically involves brainstorming sessions, trend research, copious sketching and workshop experimentation. This is the phase where we play with ideas. Activities in this phase might include:

  • Creative workshops – often hosted in our studio 

  • Trend analysis 

  • Exploration of material opportunities 

  • Anthropometric research 

  • Proof-of-principle prototyping and rig-building 

  • Sketching/concept development 

  • Sketch-CAD modelling 

  • Initial renderings 

Goodwin Hartshorn Designer hand-sketching product design concepts at an oak table.


In this phase, we use a variety of processes to filter and select the ideas from the exploration phase. Depending on the project, this stage may involve the creation of mechanical prototypes, scale models and ergonomic rigs. It is also where we generate CAD models and renderings which define the essence of the design. We use these models, rigs and renderings to help our clients select the best routes for further development. Activities in this phase might include:

  • Surface modelling in CAD 

  • Physical form studies in our workshop 

  • Mechanical prototyping in our workshop 

  • Technical analysis informed by our design and engineering library 

  • 3D printing using our rapid prototyper 

  • Ergonomic studies and initial testing 

  • Photo-realistic renderings and visualisations 

Designer testing a foam prototype in the Goodwin Hartshorn workshop with a hands on focus for ergonomic design.


Following the selection of key concepts, we look at every design detail and iterate through solutions to optimise the concepts functionally and aesthetically. During this phase we will typically commission aesthetic models, refine CAD models, optimise ergonomic rigs and define the CMF. This is where the concepts really start to take shape. Activities might include:

  • CAD iteration and refinement 

  • Aesthetic model-making with partners 

  • Development of branding and graphics 

  • Material and component selection utilising our materials library 

  • Building the colour-material-finish (CMF) strategy 

  • Management of colour plaques and sampling 

  • User studies 

  • Design for manufacture (DFM) 

  • Creation of visual assets 

Goodwin Hartshorn designers reviewing CAD in the London studio, demonstrating collaboration during the development phase.


In this phase we work very closely with our clients to bring the products to market. We develop the designs to address engineering constraints, manufacturability, intellectual property (IP) protection and aesthetic harmony. This phase is where the designs are refined ready for mass production. Activities might include:

  • CAD refinement following client testing and factory feedback 

  • Supporting intellectual property protection – patents and design registration 

  • Sample reviewing and selection 

  • Creation of marketing assets 

Edward Goodwin overseeing a factory quality check of a plaster mould, showing the end-to-end design service.

All content © Goodwin-Hartshorn 2024 - unless otherwise stated

Goodwin Hartshorn Ltd

Studio C, 6 Little Thames Walk

London SE8 3FB, UK

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